Thursday 16 October 2014

10 Things You Learn When You Live Away From Home

Hi friends, do you know that we learn 10 things when we live away from home??? Here you go… I like to share it with you too…Let’s learn about ourselves now…

* Leaving home for work or studies always seems like an adventure trip and in a way it turns out to be one, when the various ups and downs make us realize what is most important in our lives.

(1)   You realize that your hometown is much closer to your heart than you ever thought.

(2)   You start valuing money and appreciate what you already have.

(3)   You learn all sort of management skills and be more independent : cooking and taking care of yourself!

(4)   You learn to solve your own problem.

(5)   You start to enjoy travelling.

(6)   You realize the important of having friends and how they become your family away from family.

(7)   You start valuing your relationships more.

(8)   There is nothing warmer than a mother’s hug and nothing truer than your father’s words.

(9)   When you finally earn and manage on your own, it makes you feel proud!!!

(10)                       It’s only then that you realize you have finally grown up!!!

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